Proposal | Mohawk Lake | Breckenridge
Upper Mohawk Lake Mountain Proposal
Proposal Details:
Adventure delivered. David and Ally were in the Breckenridge area. In a past year they had done a backpacking trip into Mohawk Lakes. It is a gorgeous mountain area in Colorado with ample places to setup a tent in the summer and camp out. They had found a spot up above the Upper Mowhawk Lake that has an awesome view but is mostly tucked away. It left one of those impressions on them between the mountain goats sleeping against the tent at night as well as the sheer beauty. On this trip back out they still did things like make it to the beer festival in Keystone, CO but also make an early morning hike into the Spruce Creek area to get to Mohawk Lakes. 4AM is early right? Well we started in at 3:15AM with a headlamp on for a 6AM sunrise proposal. By 5:00AM we made it up to what was really what we will call Mid Mohawk Lake. It is a pond for the most part and it did not seem to fit the location descriptions in the dark. Trails can be lost and confused when you are below treeline as often in the woods there can be side trails. We back tracked a little to find the right area and eventually saw some other lights across the ridge. This was a bit perplexing as with the Spruce Creek and the numerous waterfalls it is difficult to cross. There were some 3 flashes of the flashlight a few times giving me the clue that they were the other crazy person out there. Eventually heading back up to what was Lower Mohawk there was some additional exploring before finally seeing the trail for upper Mohawk. Getting to the top there was one tent of a couple camping out. Things by this point were a little late for the proposal but the proposal spot desired was located and marked with some sunflowers. Ironically, the couple in the tent got out and walked right up to the spot and were perplexed by the flowers on the ground. Minutes later they arrived. The sun was beaming over the mountainside. On the ridge the view is stellar. After the proposal she did not see coming at all we took some additional photos at the upper lake and down at lower lake. While few would do this they got out in the water for the sake of the photo. Little did we know the water would be that deep but you can be the judge of if it was worth it. With all the hiking around for us it turned into 11.8 miles with a 40+ pound pack of camera equipment. Needless to say there was some exhaustion and some out of the norm level of distance traveled but what you have to do sometimes to get the shot.
You can get hiking proposal ideas from reading past blogs and read about how we do proposals on our engagement proposals page. If you like what you see here and are considering something in Breckenridge, CO here are some of the other shoots we have done in Breckenridge.