Proposal | March | Sapphire Point Overlook
Proposal. Yes. It is Real.
Proposal Details:
A surprise proposal is somewhat an art. For Josh and Janae the surprise happened at a place called Sapphire Point in Dillon, CO. This is just down the road from where they were staying in Keystone. There was an interest in doing it up on the Alpenglow Stube area of Keystone. It is a couple Gondola rides back accessible in street clothing. The destination is a fancy mountain top restaurant. It is open around lunch and dinner. The harder thing with the spot is the timing when you want the mountain view. Really the only time will be to do it at lunch if you want the awesome mountain landscape. We had another couple go there once before and the overall though the woman expressed later was ‘I thought he was going to do it then.’ Lets face it a really nice restaurant in a unique location that requires a reservation is one to get her thinking. It not happening at that time puts doubt in her mind that it will not happen this time out in the mountains. It is somewhat the same effect if you get down to tie your shoes at random or in a beautiful location. If you are like us and wear flip flops year round you might need to come up with another idea to keep her guessing.
It was a slushy day at the overlook spot. A lot of snow had been melting. Seeing how a wet knee was in store for him we placed a flat rock in the proposal spot so he could keep his knee dry for photos later. We think this dynamic coupled with her not seeing it coming made for him not being able to get the angle perfect but yet still good enough to get the reaction. While we have a video him talking to her beforehand was not loud enough to show up. Our guess is he was not talking about something related to science or some recent research he had been doing. “I brought you out here to tell you about this latest thing I was researching. . . ” Well that is not likely the thing he said. Since we could not hear it we can make up some stuff. If he did say that it was likely research of the perfect ring and how to size her finger without her knowing it as it was a perfect fit. We did hear her reaction which was clear “Yes. Oh My Gosh, Yes!” with this enthralled quiver of excitement in the voice. “Oh my Gosh – Is this Real? Oh My Gosh” . . . . There was a group in the distance watching who cheered. 40 Seconds after asking “Is this Real?” she answered her own question on examining her finger that Yes . . . “This is Real”.
You can get proposal ideas like Sapphire Point from reading past blogs and read about how we do proposals on our engagement proposals page. If you like what you see here and are considering using this location here are some of the other shoots we have done at the Sapphire Point Overlook.