Proposal Long Lake | Summer
Beautiful Mountains, Lake, Engagement
Proposal Details:
One thing guys can struggle with the most with proposals is how to get her in the right clothing. For some women they know they would be hard to fool into dressing up a little more so they just overdress for almost everything on vacation. In this case from what we heard he had bought her this outfit for her to wear today.
We hear this sometimes of guys getting this idea of like a scavenger hunt where they are taken all over town with an elegant dress waiting for them and then guys think – hey lets get photos of it. It was not that side of things as all the emotion would be spread out over a longer period of time so that if she is not well hydrated she might have already spent all her tears in these random hopefully moments that you were not just being super sweet today as she is getting her nails done, getting her hair done, getting a massage – you get the idea.
As an insider tip note that if you spread these things out for a period of time it will get her hopes up and make the less normal become the new norm. As you can tell by the surprise and the emotion it was not something predictable. Perhaps this was part of why he did not talk this over ahead of time with people close to her to keep it under the radar. As for the location it is one of those gorgeous Colorado spots that is fairly secluded.
Long Lake is in the Brainard Lake Recreation Area and one of the couple mountain lakes. If you like the look of this location here are some other shoots at Long Lake. You can get proposal ideas from reading past blogs and read about how we do proposals on our engagement proposals page.