Proposal | Larimer Square | Denver
Propose Before Dinner Outside Bistro Vendome
Proposal Details:
One of the best ways to surprise your girlfriend with an engagement ring is to do it on the way to dinner. For Tony this was his plan for Nicole. Lets face it – women love to get dressed up and so if you can find a good reason to get dressed up (Party, Anniversary, Traveling to a new city, Holiday, etc) then by all means take a night out on the town. The key is to be subtle about it and don’t dress up too much or encourage her to go all out if you both are more jeans and flip flops people.
We LOVE it when she has the good surprised look. For Nicole she didn’t see it coming. She was a little thrown off when Tony had her walk around the corner past Bistro Vendome but she went with it. She had many tears come and subsequent wiping away of the tears of joy!
Larimer Square is a great place to propose and the courtyard back in front of the Bistro is perfect for it with the beautiful spot and romantic location. There is good foliage and just a lot of beauty without the busy life of the streets. You can get proposal ideas from reading past blogs and read about how we do proposals on our engagement proposals page. If you like what you see here and are considering using this location here are some of the other shoots we have done at Larimer Square.