Proposal | Fish Creek Falls | Steamboat Springs
Proposal on Colorado Road Trip Vacation
Proposal Engagement Details:
After 5 years of dating it is a good thing to not be surprised by the proposal. For Jordan he got a few hints and some guidelines. Considering Sarah thought it might have gone down a year ago we think these hints were helpful tips to spur on some action. They were on a road trip to Steamboat Springs, CO. When we heard from Jordan he was on plan B or C. Somewhere along the way the idea of doing it up on the ski slopes was hinted at not being a good place. Considering they are not avid skiers this idea was probably not the most ideal.
Outside of the skiing part there is the clothing which might have been the bigger reason to not do it on the Steamboat Springs Ski Resort. Others staying with them knew about what was going down. Conveniently one advised not to go ultra comfy and wear jeans like everyone else. Before they left for the mini hike Jordan had gotten a little nervous. Based on how things went down it was a very easy YES for her. I think with the hints he would have known that and I think the nervousness comes from the sincerity behind the proposal.
They made there way up the snow packed Fish Creek Falls trail. It is a short hike but really not a ‘hike’. When we had gone out to scope out the place and outline a plan for the proposal photography the waterfall was half frozen over. A week later it had completely frozen. With the snow on the trees and the being surrounded by the Colorado Mountain beauty one cannot complain. Photos were taken from a distance away but you could still hear the resounding YES. You could definitely see how comfortable they are together and how they just bring joy to each others lives.
On the way out after the proposal stopped at a light you could see them through the car’s side mirror elated with joy, laughing, and enjoying life. If you like this location here are the shoots on the blog at Fish Creek Falls. You can get proposal ideas from reading past blogs and read about how we do proposals on our engagement proposals page.