Proposal | December | Sapphire Point Overlook | Dillon, CO
She Said Yes Outside Breckenridge, COProposal Details:
The mornings in Colorado are not for everyone but work really well for less people being around. This is ideal for a proposal but more challenging for being a hidden photographer. We believe in hidden photography because you get this real candid emotion. What it takes to get this however is a lot of precision. Precise direction down to X degree of an angle at X spot factoring in details like her looking down at the ring, hair falling in front of her face, and things like her moving side to side.
They were in Colorado from Miami. To give some perspective on the difference in Florida it was 73 whereas this morning it was -15. Perhaps this is why we say it is not for everyone. It was a gorgeous morning at Sapphire Point with blue skies to contrast against the white snow capped mountains. No one was around except for a mildly camouflaged photographer.
After the proposal there was a lot of playfulness between them. A more model like kind of mannerisms make for more of a photojournalistic shoot with less direction given. Really we think it is the mix of excitement with some practice cuddling. We believe we heard they had 4 years practice cuddling. At the end we made use of some eye liner to mark up her hand with the message ‘I Said Yes’.
You can get proposal ideas from reading past blogs and read about how we do proposals on our engagement proposals page. If you like what you see here and are considering using this location here are some of the other shoots we have done at the Sapphire Point Overlook.