Photography Meetings
Want To Meet Joe and Robin?
We love to meet our couples but do not require a meeting.
We have learned over the years that the more we put on the website and the more simple we made the process the less people have felt they needed to meet up – 97% less people to be exact. As a result, this has changed how meetings function in comparison to some other photographers who might require a certain meeting type. We have adapted how we do things to what fits the majority of our couples rather than what the industry does or what results in the most bookings. As a result, it is a little odd at this point to do something like FaceTime or a meeting in person. This post is for those who have questions about meeting with us. This is to allow you to know the options and what to expect.
Expectations from Different Meeting Types
Purpose: Questions / Answers after Contacting Us
Duration: 15-30 Minutes
Scheduling: Preferred
Location: You Can Be Anywhere
Objective: Chat before booking
Commonality: Fairly Normal / 51%
We have on our contact form the optional field of requesting a phone call. This is a follow up item as describing packaging and pricing or examples of our work tailored to what you are seeking is hard to describe over the phone. While cold calls might seem like a quick way to get answers they almost always end up with the need for you to fill out the contact form. Overall, it is better to check the box of ‘Yes’ or just let us know a good time to call and we can follow up. As we put more and more out there the trend has been to see this number continue to drop. A few years ago it was 63% and now it is 51%.
Purpose: Time Saving Alternative to In Person Meeting
Duration: 30-60 Minutes
Scheduling: Appointment Only / Likely only one of us would be available.
Location: FaceTime
Objective: Get any questions answered
Commonality: Once a year
We kick off the calls and just need to know the FaceTime number or email connected to the preferred device. These kind of meetings have functionally replaced in person meetings but as noted by the commonality they do not happen often. With the amount of shoots we do we likely would not have a lot of time so a phone call would be easier.
Purpose: Wedding Consultation
Average Duration: 60 Minutes
Scheduling: Appointment Only / Limited Availability
Location: Normally a Coffee Shop
Objective: Talk in Person
Commonality: Once since 2017
Here are some other objectives you might have and how you can meet them without meeting us:
- Seeing Our Work. Photography We do not have a studio, walls filled with work of our couples, or really any recent examples of our work physically printed to show you. With the move to barely anyone ever wanting a meeting in person for a wedding consultation we stopped printing the new stuff off so the best place to see our work and get a feel for our style is on our website. As of the last update to this post we had over 25,000 images on our website and over 300,000 images in online galleries.
- Commonly Asked Questions. Info We cover a broad range of topics listed in order of the commonality we are asked.
- Learning About Us. About Us This covers our background, our take on weddings, and a more personal side of who we are and what we enjoy.
- What Others Say About Us. Reviews These are a copy from Google, Wedding Wire, Facebook, Yelp, and the Knot. You can see couples photo, their review, and a link to the work on our website to give more context to the review.
- Booking Us. We do our booking online / remotely so if you want to book us it would occur outside of the meeting.
Industry Standard For Meetings
You do a venue walk through, you meet to taste food, you show up to try on many dresses, you get measured for a suit or tux – why not continue the trend? Our take is that there is an expectation set by tradition, other photographers, and sometimes certain experiences on the need to meet up. Tradition is related to it being the best way to show film photography work which is rather uncommon these days. If you feel “that is how it is done” you often will ask to come to our “Studio”. Other photographers push for the meeting as it is a sales tactic which is why you will see some people say ‘free consultation’. Some meet up because someone they know had a bad photographer experience or because they read online about others having a bad experience. While we would love to assure you on how great an experience you will have with us logic says listening to us matters little in comparison to seeing the consistency of work online, recent work online, and reading what others say about us.