Eldorado Canyon State Park | Fall Engagement
Colorado Mountain Canyon Engagement
Engagement Details:
Certain times in Colorado you have some less than desirable weather come through. For Nate and Kelly thankfully they had a little bit of flexibility for when we did the engagement session. We did a bit of changing up of not just the day but also the location. They had been by the Eldorado Canyon State Park for a picnic earlier in the trip to Denver. With the love of the rock formations changing up the location to this spot seemed rather straightforward. A lot of people will come in for some rock climbing in the canyon. I am not thinking that would have worked in the dress though.
We went to about 4 spots along the way and were trying to get the sun in the photos while it was out. In the past the angle of the sun never reached into the canyon even earlier in the day. Further into the mountains there was a haze out making it harder for the large peaks to show up so overall this was an ideal day. After the first spot when went about mid way in and had a clothing change then some photos down by the creek and at one point a little in the creek. As the shoot went on they definitely got more comfortable and in the groove of things as the playfulness came out even more.
If you are interested in the area here is some other work we have done in Boulder. If you like this location here are the other shoots we have done in Eldorado Canyon State Park.